Hi, I’m Elise !

A Frenchy from Lyon! After validating my master’s degree in Business Communication, I flew to the Grand Duchy in 2015.

My experience was mainly with Amazon where I was dedicated to communication & event organization for the EMEA Talent Acquisition team. I organized various events such as team summits, recruiting fairs, employee benefits type, etc…

Although very informative & enriching, I was looking for more meaningful & local interactions in my professional life. Today I decided to combine an area that I love with my skills.

I have always been fascinated by creativity in all its forms & I am convinced that there is a lot of wonderful know-how in Luxembourg that deserves to be highlighted. I am working to bring them to you !

Why Share & Create ?

Share & Create was born from a real desire to create a bridge between local professional creatives & participants. A mission that people in Luxembourg have an activity proposition with more meaning.

Sharing a knowledge, a know-how or escaping for a moment through creativity. A return to basic, which is so important for our emotional health.

Antoine de Saint-Expurépy: “The grandeur of a profession is…above all, uniting men: there is only one true luxury, that of human relationships.”


Gathering the know-how of Luxembourg’s Artisans

Sharing of knowledge and know-how to give the satisfaction of having made an object with one’s own hands. Share a unique moment, find yourself (or discover yourself!) and other people around a passion.
Meet and get to know better the professional creatives in Luxembourg.

Having fun with creativity

Giving free rein to one’s imagination, unleashing everyone’s creativity. Escaping from one’s work & daily life to become the creator we never dared to be!

Creating social links through Artisanship

Doing a workshop in Luxembourg means being part of this magnificent “salad bowl” that Luxembourg represents so well. An atypical multi-cultural society that meets, respects and understands each other.

Share & Create was born from a real desire to create a bridge between professional creatives & participants. A project that aims to build links through creation. The force of artistic proposal has never been so varied.