MissBak establish itself as a kind-hearted natural cosmetics company that provides comfort to customers who prioritize their health and the environment.
Natural and ethical body care, 100% vegetable (vegan), gluten-free, created by a caring entrepreneur, mother, passionate about nature and people.
The trigger was when seeing no improvement in her son’s allergic skin reactions by using conventional creams / cosmetics, she went back to the basics as she had learned in her home country the Ivory Coast. By using Shea, Cocoa butter, Coconut oil, going back to authenticity has made all the difference. This idea of MissBak was born !
Today she has chosen a company with a positive environmental impact to respond to consumer issues and also support women in Côte d’Ivoire, who are the ones who produce shea butter.
She teaches you how to make face and body cream, make-up but also soap and various household products.

You want to book a workshop or have a special request? Don’t hesitate to contact us!